
In 2020, the virtual meeting has become "The New Normal" of HCP engagement.Online meeting adapts quickly under the current situation.

  In 2020, the virtual meeting has become "The New Normal" of HCP engagement.Online meeting adapts quickly under the current situation.Gilead China designed a one-stop solution to achieve the integration of channels, data and tools. HCP can join meetings through mobile phones, computers, and iPads.


Client/客户 - 成都来画科技有限公司

Producer/制作方 - 成都仲夏蓉影文化/cdrongying.com
Director/导演 - 大帅

Account Executive/客户经理 - 袁帅
Art Director/艺术总监 - 王倩

Creation/创意 –仲夏蓉影Copywriter/文案 –来画科技
Illustration/原画 - 王倩[AI] & 阿舒[AI]& 奶糖[AI]&
2D Animation/二维动画 - 阿舒[AE]&奶糖[AE]

Dubbing/配音 - 武汉左声道文化传媒有限公司
Music & Sound Design/音效&音乐 - 唐闯[AU]

Editor/剪辑 - 陆红鑫

© 成都仲夏蓉影文化传播有限公司